How to Get Aloe Vera Seeds From Plant

aloe vera plant and flower
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Flowering and Pollination | Harvesting Aloe Vera Seeds | Planting the seeds 

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Aloe vera plants are highly esteemed for their curative qualities, undemanding characteristics, and plethora of benefits. This succulent is easy to grow, easy to care for, and absolutely easy to maintain.

But, are you waiting for aloe vera seeds from years-old aloe plants and have no idea how to get them? You are seeing occasional flowering in the plant, but they are not developing seed pods.

This guide is written for those who want to grow aloe vera from seeds. Read on to learn how to get seeds from aloe vera and sprout them step by step.

Now let’s start with our three-step process, varying from flowering to seed collecting to planting.

  1. Flowering and Pollination
  2. Harvesting Aloe Vera Seeds
  3. Planting the seeds
A orange color aloe vera plant

Flowering and Pollination

A mature aloe vera, around 2-3 years old, can produce flowers in colors like yellow, orange, and red. Given the right conditions, the flower will usually start blooming in spring or summer.

Once the flowers have bloomed, you’ll need to keep an eye on them because for seed production, your aloe vera flowers need to be pollinated. If you have multiple plants, you can cross-pollinate them. Here’s how:

  • Identify the Flowers: Aloe vera flowers are tubular and grow in clusters on a stalk. They are usually yellow or orange.
  • Hand Pollination: Use a small brush or cotton swab to transfer pollen from one flower to another. Gently brush the pollen onto the stigma (the flower’s female part).

Harvesting Aloe Vera Seeds

green seed pod to dry seed pod

After the successful pollination, the flowers will start to develop seed pods. This process can take several weeks. Be patient and continue to care for your plant by providing adequate light and water.

Several weeks later:

  1. Collect the Pods: Carefully inspect your aloe vera plant and locate the seed pods that have turned brown and dried out. Gently snip the seed pods from the flower stalk using clean scissors or pruners.
  2. Extract the Seeds: Open the pods carefully to reveal the seeds inside. Aloe vera seeds are small,
    dark, and oval-shaped.
  3. Clean and Dry the Seeds: Use your fingers to separate any remaining plant material from the seeds. Then, spread the seeds out in a single layer and allow them to dry completely, which can take a few days.
aloe vera seeds and seed pod

Planting the seeds

sprouted aloe vera seeds

Now, it’s time to plant your aloe vera seeds.

  1. Planting: To plant the aloe vera seeds you can follow the steps provided in this guide.
    Or you can dampen the tissue paper and Spread the aloe vera seeds evenly on the damp tissue paper. Put the paper in the container with a lid or a plastic bag and leave it in a bright location, but out of direct sunlight.
  2. Monitor for Germination: Aloe vera seeds can take 2-4 weeks to germinate, depending on the conditions. Check the seeds daily to ensure the tissue paper remains moist.
    Keep a close eye on the container and watch for the tiny seedlings to emerge.
  3. Transplant and Care for the Seedlings: Once the seeds have sprouted and developed small roots and shoots, carefully transplant them into individual pots filled with well-draining potting mix.
    Continue to provide them with plenty of sunlight and water them sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
aloe vera seedlings in a germination tray


I hope this article gave you the confidence that you can harvest seeds and grow aloe vera from them. However, this method is hard and not recommended compared to other easy methods of propagating aloe vera.

Nevertheless, what is the harm in trying? You will learn new things, and it has its own adventure.

With patience and proper care, your aloe vera seedlings will grow into healthy, thriving plants that you can enjoy for years to come. Happy gardening!

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