How to Plant Aloe Vera from a Broken Leaf

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Growing a new Aloe Vera plant from broken leaves is one of the easiest methods to propagate Aloe Vera plant.

To propagate, you will need a healthy callused Aloe Vera leaf to start the propagation.

Wondering why callused Aloe Vera leaves are preferred for propagation?

Here is why?

  • Prevents Rotting and Infection: Aloe is highly prone to rotting if left in the wet soil or can be easily infected if wet and damaged leaves are kept open. So to prevent the leaf rot, drying it helps in formation of the protective covering after the wet sap dries out.
  • Drying promotes better root development in leaves. When the leaf is put in soil, the roots might sprout from the callused surface, which has hardened due to the drying process.

Once the callused Aloe Vera leaves are ready, dip the cut end in the rooting hormone so the propagation can begin.

Two aloe vera leafs

Propagate and plant the Aloe Vera from the broken leaf?

We have already covered this topic in depth in another post on the Aloe Vera plant. Read it here.


Now you know that broken Aloe Vera leaves can be put to use to grow a number of new Aloe Vera plants. Remember to always use well calloused leaves for propagation and dip the cut end of the leaves to be propagated in the rooting hormone before you put the leaf in the soil to begin the propagation.

Let us know in the comments how it went for you and how much time did it take the leaves to propagate?

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